EP 6: How do we manage anxiety and other mental health challenges during a pandemic?
The isolation and distancing that has come with the coronavirus pandemic is making it more difficult for people dealing with mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. How can we manage this going forward?

EP 5: How COVID-19 may change our producer-to-consumer food chain
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted the food supply chain in ways beyond what you can't buy at the grocery store. Farmers are dealing with a logjam of products and processing plants need to protect their workers. How will the country change after the pandemic passes?

EP 4: Uncertainty looms over the reopening of America during coronavirus pandemic
Hosts Brian Ellison of KCUR in Kansas City, Missouri, and John Dankosky of New England Public Radio explore the economic and emotional strife we’re facing as communities begin to lift stay-at-home restrictions meant to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

EP 3: What COVID-19 reveals about how we care for our elderly
“America Amplified: Life, Community, and COVID-19” hosts John Dankosky of New England Public Radio and Brian Ellison of KCUR talk to people with personal experience at the fragile intersection of the coronavirus pandemic and aging.

EP 2: What the pandemic should force us to ask about K-12 education gaps
Will the coronavirus pandemic further widen the K-12 education gap? We’ll examine some of the barriers that students and teachers are now facing as they've turned to remote learning.

EP 1: What the pandemic has shown us about what essential workers need
We’ll look at the tough circumstances and choices facing essential workers during the pandemic – farmworkers, drivers, transit workers among others – who are risking infection daily and aren’t always getting the support they need from their employers. How does this affect the future of work?