Our Guides

Choose and implement the right texting tool for your organization

Are you looking to add texting to your audience engagement strategy? There are several platforms out there, all with their own quirks and features. Here’s a guide to help you integrate a texting tool into your news organization.

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Reach new audiences with a WhatsApp newsletter

So, you want to reach a Spanish-speaking audience — or an immigrant audience, or an audience of young people? Consider creating a weekly newsletter roundup of relevant news, using the platform they are likely to be using: WhatsApp.

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Facilitate community conversations with AI

LVN is a powerful video conferencing tool that allows you to hold open conversations, transcribe audio and map ideas all in one place.

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Community organizing lessons for journalists

Our conversation with three community organizers covered a range of themes, from power to bias to trust. We’ve distilled some of the best advice in this one-page PDF. You can also watch the webinar!

Download the PDF | Watch the webinar

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GroundSource workflow

If you’re using GroundSource or another texting tool to engage with new and existing audiences, this workflow document offers ideas on ways to engage and what kind of workflow is necessary.

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7 lessons from NHPR team

New Hampshire Public Radio’s Daniela Allee and Maria Aguirre led a webinar about their efforts to reach Spanish-speaking communities through community convening and a WhatsApp newscast. Here are some important takeaways.

Watch the webinar | Download the PDF


Rural community outreach

We have 7 ideas on how reporters can do important outreach with rural communities during a pandemic — all ideas that can be used afterward, too.

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Talk show >> Facebook Live

Thinking about streaming your talk show to Facebook Live, great! We think this is great way to add engagement to your live show. Here are some guidelines.

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Six steps to organizing your own listening sessions

Listening sessions are great ways to build trust and cultivate input from the communities we serve. Here’s a guide to walk you through the steps to setting up your first listening session, from the conception phase to closing the feedback loop.

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5 ways to listen

The pandemic is limiting in-person contact, but it doesn’t have to limit how journalists reach out to communities. Here are 5 ideas on how to do it.

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