EP 12: How are we finding community during a pandemic?
On this episode of “Life, Community, and COVID-19,” hosts Brian Ellison of KCUR of Kansas City and Maiken Scott of WHYY in Philadelphia explore how different communities are still finding ways to connect during the pandemic.

EP 11: What telemedicine has taught us during the pandemic, and will it continue?
On this episode of “Life, Community, and COVID-19,” hosts Maiken Scott of WHYY in Philadelphia and Brian Ellison of KCUR in Kansas City explore how telemedicine has been used during the coronavirus pandemic and whether it will continue as an option going forward.

EP 10: What will this summer look like without festivals, shows and jobs?
On this episode of “Life, Community, and COVID-19,” hosts John Dankosky of New England Public Radio and Rose Scott of WABE in Atlanta, discuss the loss of summer as we knew it. We look at the impact on towns that rely on summer tourism, the loss of summer jobs and what all this means for the future.

EP 9: Examining the pandemic’s unequal toll on communities of color
On this episode of “Life, Community, and COVID-19,” hosts Rose Scott of WABE in Atlanta and John Dankosky of New England Public Radio examine how the coronavirus pandemic has unveiled the health disparities that exist within communities of color. Why is this happening? And how can we move forward in a way that addresses their needs?

EP 8: Why the tension wearing face masks in public has many complicated layers
On this episode of “Life, Community, and COVID-19,” hosts Mina Kim of KQED in San Francisco and Marty Moss-Coane of WHYY in Philadelphia peel back the complicated layers to the act of wearing a face mask in public. From the confusing messages people are receiving from top government officials to personal afflictions that prevent some from wearing masks, there are many things to consider before rushing to judgment.

EP 7: The unemployment crisis caused by the pandemic has hit some harder than others
In this episode, hosts Marty Moss-Coane of WHYY in Philadelphia and Mina Kim of KQED in San Francisco dive into the challenges facing the unemployed and how their jobs future may never return to a pre-pandemic state.