Sample letter to donors
First, thank you for your last contribution of <$AMOUNT>. It’s your support that makes our local and national journalism possible, from NPR programming to reports from the statehouse.
I want to let you know about some of the ways we’re innovating our journalism. The reaction to George Floyd’s killing in Minneapolis caused us to reflect on how well we were serving African American communities, and led us to the conclusion that we needed to do more. (Use a story relevant to changes to your coverage)
In July, we started a community committee focused on listening - our editorial team is listening to community members to identify gaps in our coverage and ways in which we let our biases inform coverage. The result of this listening is a series of stories and forums that launch <DATE,TIME>.
This is content truly by, of and for the community. We partnered with <LIST PARTNERS>; it’s been a great privilege to create this series in concert with them.
We see this as the start of a new way to engage with communities and community partners. We can’t only be reactive to the news, to show up when others do and then leave. We have to understand what’s happening now and make a commitment to stay and tell stories of everyday struggles and everyday triumphs.
As we progress, I’ll keep you informed to show how your contribution supports so much at <STATION>. It’s because of you we’re able to provide essential journalism.