As Election Day approaches, Americans voice concerns
Credit: Chelsea Naughton, Brittani Howell, America Amplified
We’re only days away from the 2024 election, but public media stations across the United States are already getting a clearer picture about what is driving voters to the polls. In a recent analysis of hundreds of submissions from residents in states like Georgia, Pennsylvania and Indiana, America Amplified found individuals most cared about the economy, healthcare, and a continued call for bipartisanship. The environment and women’s reproductive rights rounded up the top concerns.
Within the responses, individuals shared personal anecdotes that made the issues tangible for them. They had just lost a job, became sick or worried that political gridlock would prevent legislation from getting passed.
From Indiana: "I just lost my job That i've been at for 3 years. They knew my background when they Hired me. Then all of a sudden they just let me go. I need help. Paying my rent for just one month so I won't be homeless and can't even get help for one month."
“The issues that matter most to me right now are domestic safety and stability (especially following the outcome of the election), the price of basic goods rising while pay hasn't increased for everyone, Medicaid expansion and affordable healthcare for all,” wrote one Georgia resident in August.
These top issues mirrored a similar analysis of responses in June by America Amplified. But this time, as we near election day, people had many more specific questions about local issues and candidates. Proposed measures like ranked-choice voting and abstract decision-making like how to judge a judge sent perplexed voters to their local media outlets for guidance.
From Pennsylvania: “Please explain ranked voting and proportional award of electoral votes based on number of votes, their pros and cons, and whether PA has ever considered either of these voting options.”
“Given the very recent ruling, can you give us a definitive answer on dating mail-in ballots?,” asked another person from Pennsylvania.
From Indiana: "Which judges in the Marion County Superior Court race that are up for retention are Pro-Life, willing to protect Parental rights, Constitution of our great Republic even at the State level and protect medical freedom?"
From Indiana: It would be great to know what political party these judges support. Not that it should matter but we have witnessed in recent times how judges (including SCOTUS) that support the GOP's Project 25 Plan can and will "judge" based on it.
America Amplified partnered up with over 50 public media stations across the country this year to understand what matters most to residents, answer their election-related questions (and sometimes more) and ultimately build trust.