America Amplified: Election 2020 episodes
America Amplified: Election 2020 is also available on demand here and on Spotify.

Ep. 2: The American Dream is not the same for everyone
This episode of "America Amplified: Election 2020" explores the American Dream. It’s a complicated and conflicting concept for many, especially when it comes to immigration, progress and access. The guests on our show range from New York to Alaska, and they talk about how the American Dream does or does not apply to their lives.

Ep. 1: Talking about what divides us is what will heal America
This episode of "America Amplified: Election 2020" explores what is dividing our country right now and what can be done to unite us. Guests include former mayor of Atlanta Shirley Franklin, Katherine Narvaez Mena, a DACA recipient, and Ben Barto, who sells Trump-related products in Wyoming.